Your online training platform

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Step 1
Initial setup
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 01:00.
Sites, Users, Processes, and BDD Import
  • Create/Update a Site - User - Process form
  • Presentation of integration systems/Database updates (Customers/Suppliers/Products/Services/Materials)
  • Manually create data in the associated database
  • Use a.csv import file
Step 2
Audit matrix configuration
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 15 min
For the Control module
  • Set up audit matrices
Step 3
Setting up supplier evaluation matrices
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 25 min
For the Suppliers module
  • Set up initial and periodic supplier evaluation matrices
    (Supplier Evaluation Management Module)
Step 4
Setting up risk & opportunity matrices
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 15 min
For the Control module
  • Setting up the scoring system for Risk & Opportunity analyses
Step 5
Setting up SSE visit models
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 15 min
For the Security module
  • Setting up an SSE visit template
Step 6
Setting up satisfaction survey templates
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 15 min
For the Control module
  • Setting up a survey model
Step 7
Parameterization of revised models
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 22 min
For the Control module
  • Setting up a review template
Step 8
Single Document Setup
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 20 min
For the Security module
  • Principle of construction of the DUER on Dyo
  • Setting up the DUER quotation matrix


Step 1
Action plan
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Audience: Users
Duration: 45 min
For the Control module
  • Suggest/Register an action
  • Process an action
  • Verify the effectiveness of an action
  • Consult the summary of actions
Step 2
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Audience: Users
Duration: 52 min
For the Control module
  • Report, Analyze, Address, and Close a Non-Compliance
  • Consult the summary of Non-conformities
Step 3
Contexts & issues
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Audience: Users
Duration: 30 min
For the Control module
  • Create and manage issues
  • Create and manage interested parties
  • Create and manage Risk & Opportunity analyses
Step 4
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Audience: Users
Duration: 45 min
For the Control module
  • Scheduling an audit
  • Formalize the audit report:
    - Generate observations and corrective actions
    - Generate audit discrepancies (Non-conformities)
  • Consult the summary of the audits
Step 5
Objectives & indicators
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 01:00.
For the Control module
  • Integration of strategic and operational objectives
  • Presentation of the indicator creation flow


Step 1
SSE events
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Audience: Users
Duration: 53 min
For the Security module
  • Declare an SSE event
  • Analyze/Process an SSE event
  • Remote declaration of occupational accidents
Step 2
SSE visits
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Audience: Users
Duration: 25 min
For the Security module
  • Plan an SSE visit
  • Formalize the SSE visit report
  • Mobile application
Step 3
Safety plans
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 25 min
Security plan management
  • Presentation of the 4 security plans that can be managed on Symalean
  • Operating principle of creating and monitoring the validity of security plans.
Step 4
Emergency Situation Tests
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 15 min
Emergency Situation Test Management
  • Principle of planning and formalizing the emergency situation test report (fire evacuation, etc.)

EDM (2 parts)

2 parts
Electronic document management
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 57 min & 52 min
Prerequisites - General - Tree
  • Create document categories - Create processes
  • Configuring the automation of GED coding
  • Presentation of the GED module homepage
  • Create the folder and subfolder tree
  • Associate access permissions to folders and subfolders

Human resources (2 parts)

2 parts
Employees and Skills
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 53min & 01:10
  • Create an employee
  • Edit the following documents: Employee life sheet, authorization/authorization card, Employee integration sheet
  • Create and assign a skill
  • Consult the versatility indicator
  • Consult the competency validity summary
  • Plan and confirm the completion of a training course
  • Conduct the training effectiveness evaluation
  • Registration of a training need
  • Register an absence - Register a medical visit
  • Record a professional interview
  • Plan and formalize an evaluation at the job
  • Consult the summary table of exposure to hardship

Equipment resources

Step 1
Register, Interventions, Planning, Need
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 45 min
  • Create equipment and set up the associated preventive maintenance (s)
  • Edit the material life sheet
  • Dealing with a preventive maintenance intervention
  • Consult the history of interventions and modify the intervention report if necessary
  • Register a material need - Deal with a material need
  • Request and plan a corrective maintenance intervention
  • Dealing with an intervention
  • Dealing with an intervention group
  • Consult the history of interventions and modify the intervention report if necessary

Others: Environment, Suppliers, Statistics

Environment (2 parts)
Waste management and IEA analysis
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 42 min & 12 min
  • Set up the list of waste designations
  • Register a waste collection
  • Edit the Excel summary of waste treatments
  • Create activities/sub-activities and environmental aspects
  • Setting up the environmental impact rating matrix
  • Carry out the rating of environmental aspects
  • Edit the evaluation in PDF format
  • Save an analysis update
Supplier evaluation
Suppliers module
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Audience: Users
Duration: 20 min
  • Create a supplier
  • Conduct the initial supplier evaluation
  • Perform the periodic evaluation of the supplier
  • Edit supplier evaluation reports PDF
  • Consult the summary of supplier evaluations
The different types of statistics
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Audience: Administrators
Duration: 25 min
  • Create and visualize a manual statistic
  • Create and visualize system statistics
  • Create and visualize a custom statistic